Categorias: Notícias

Former president Lula visits Argentina and lunches with president Cristina Kirchner

Former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva attended a meeting this Wednesday (17) in Buenos Aires, with unionists and parliamentarians of the “Frente para la Victoria” (Front for Victory) party. The meeting lasted about an hour and a half and was also attended by the Argentinian vice president, Amado Boudou, and the vice-governor of Buenos Aires Province, Gabriel Marioto. They talked about the political scenario in Brazil and Argentina and the need to advance towards greater integration of Latin American countries. Lula was presented with a picture in which the former Argentinian president Néstor Kirchner gives him a shirt of Argentina national team.

To download high resolution pictures, visit Institute Lula’s Picasa.

Soon after the meeting, Lula attended a lunch with the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

The integration of Latin America is one of the objectives of the Institute Lula. In late August, the institute promoted an encounter with social movements called “Challenges and prospects of Latin American integration”. In November, there will be a new debate, this time with intellectuals. Former minister Luiz Dulci, who is now director of the Institute Lula for Latin America, participated along with the former president of the encounter with social movements and was also present at the meeting this Wednesday in Buenos Aires.

To read more about the meeting with social movements “Challenges and prospects of Latin American integration” (in Portuguese only), click here.

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