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Carta de intelectuais britânicos em apoio a Lula e à restauração do Estado democrático no Brasil

Em carta, cerca de 50 intelectuais e acadêmicos britânicos manifestam seu apoio ao ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e a favor do seu direito de participar das eleições presidenciais deste ano. “Pedimos a restauração do estado de direito e a soltura de Lula.”

Leia a carta:

Apesar da decisão contrária do TSE em relação ao direito do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva de ser candidato à presidência nas próximas eleições, é importante que os brasileiros saibam do apoio que a democracia brasileira recebe no Reino Unido de acadêmicos, políticos, estudantes e sindicatos:

O comitê de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas emitiu e reiterou uma “medida interina” – um mecanismo que não é utilizado frequentemente – requisitando o governo do Brasil a assegurar a Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva o direito de se candidatar para as eleições presidenciais de outubro. Tudo indica até agora que o governo brasileiro pretende ignorar esta medida, resultando em uma crise constitucional e o conflito entre o governo e as Nações Unidas.

A democracia e o estado de direito foram conquistados no Brasil depois de duras lutas e se encontram em seu pior estado desde o final da ditadura militar em 1985. O surgimento da extrema direita e ameaças de um golpe militar demonstram que é imprescindível que os brasileiros, e não o judiciário, escolham o seu presidente. A não participação de Lula nas eleições sinaliza um desrespeito ao estado de direito, aos princípios democráticos e às obrigações internacionais. A comunidade internacional precisa pressionar o governo e o judiciário brasileiro a cumprir suas obrigações internacionais e assegurar eleições justas e livres no país.  Pedimos a restauração do estado de direito e a soltura de Lula e seu direito de se candidatar para as eleições presidenciais em Outubro 2018.

. Professor Alfredo Saad Filho, School of Oriental and African Studies
. Professor Ludi Simpson, Population Studies, University of Manchester
. Professor Peter Wade, Social Anthropology, University of Manchester
. Professor Stephanie Dennison, Chair of Brazilian Studies, University of Leeds
. Professor Mark Harris, University of St Andrews
. Professor John Gledhill, FBA, FAcSS Emeritus Professor of Social Antrhopology, The University of Manchester
. Professor David Treece, Kings College London
. Professor Peter Burke, Emeritus Professor of Cultural History, Emmanuel College, Cambridge University
. Professor Barbara Fritz, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany
. The Reverend Canon, Joabe Cavalcanti
. Dr Daniel Ozarow, Middlesex University
. Dr Peter Watt, University of Sheffield
. Dr. Daliany Jeronimo Kersh, Regent’s University
. Dr Marina Prentoulis, University of East Anglia
. Dr Francisco Dominguez, Middlesex University
. Dr. Jeff Garmany, Brazil Institute and Dept. of Geography, King’s College London
. Dr Alana Jackson, Spanish Studies, Lancaster University Facilitator, University of Manchester
. Dr Lauren Collins, Centre for Research on Cuba, Nottingham University
. Dr Mahmet Ali Dikerdem, Middlesex University
. Dr Derek Wall, Dept. of Politics and International Relations, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK.
. Dr Hugh Goodacre, Fellow, University College London
. Dr. Maria Gabriela Hita, Honorary Researcher Visitor at University of Manchester, Profa. Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia-Brasil
. Dr Japhy Wilson, Lecturer in International Political Economy, University of Manchester
. Dr Lisa Shaw, Reader in Brazilian Studies, University of Liverpool
. Dr Hazel Marsh, Latin American Studies, University of East Anglia
. Dr Alpesh Maisuria, Senior Lecturer, University of East London
. Dr Emily Baker, University of Cambridge.
. Dr. Liliana Ruth Feierstein, Humboldt University, Berlin
. Dr Yara Evans, Research Associate, King’s College London
. Dr Renata Peters, Senior Lecturer, UCL
. Dr. Tanja Batia, University of Manchester, UK
. Dr Marieke Riethof, Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy, University of Liverpool
. Dr Antonio Sergio Alfredo Guimaraes, Departamento de Sociologia, USP, Brazil
. Dr Viviana Gelado, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
. Dr. Eneas G. de Carvalho, Depto de Economia, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil.
. Dr Haydee Quiroz Malca, Departamento de Antropología UAE, Morelos, Mexico
. Dr. Anete B. Leal Ivo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais, UFBA, Brazil
. Dr. Sílvia Capanema P. De Almeida, Historian, assistant professor, Université Paris 13 Councillor of Seine-Saint-Denis Distrit Council, France.
. Dr Florence Rosemberg, Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico Sayuri Carbonier, Biofuels Consultant, United Nations
. Carlos Martinez, writer, reviewer and campaigner
. Afrânio Garcia Jr., Maître de conférences à l’EHESS, chercheur CESSP,Professeur-visitant à l’IESP-UERJ, Brazil
. Jude Woodward, author and journalist
. Keith Bennett, Consultant on China trade and investment
. Amanda Scott, Journalist and Anthropologist, FAGES Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
. Edmundo Hoppe Oderich, PhD student, Cardiff University
. Gabriel Neva, PhD Latin American Cultural Studies, University of Manchester.
. Maykson Cardoso, Art Researcher, Rio de Janeiro Federal University and independent curator, Brazil
. Isabel Lustosa, Historian and political scientist, Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation, Brazil

Versão em inglês:

“Despite the decision by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal with regards to the right of Inázio Lula da Silva to be a presidential candidate in the coming elections, it is important people in Brazil learn of the strength of support for democracy there is in the United Kingdom among the trade unions, parliamentarians, students, and many other groups in society. Below see the statement adopted by members of the academic community.

“The United Nations Human Rights Committee has issued an emergency “interim measure” – a measure it rarely uses – directing the government of Brazil to allow Brazil’s most popular politician, Lula da Silva, his democratic right to stand for President in October’s elections.  So far all of the indications from the Brazilian government is that they intend to ignore this, triggering a constitutional crisis and putting the government on course to clash with the UN.

Brazil’s democracy and rule of law has been hard won. It is currently in the most fragile state since the end of the military dictatorship in 1985. The rise of the extreme right with their threats to increase military power means that it is essential that the Brazilian people, and not the judiciary, should choose the country’s next president. Failure to have Lula on the ballot paper would signal Brazil’s disregard of the rule of law, democratic principles and its international obligations. The international community must put pressure on the Brazilian government and judicial system to meet its international obligations and ensure secure free and fair elections in the country. We demand the restoration of the rule of law, the release
of Lula and his democratic right to run for the Presidency in October 2018.”

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