Categorias: Notícias

Led by Brazil, South-South cooperation against hunger bear fruits and is praised by Pope Francis

Inspired by the Brazilian experience in past decade, the fight
against hunger in Africa and other developing countries indicate that
relation South-South is bearing fruits.

In his first visit to the United Nation’s World Food Programme on
June 13, Pope Francis praised the work of those involved and urged
them to continue their battle to reach Zero Hunger by 2030.

He said that part of the struggle is the fight to ‘denaturalize’
poverty and ‘debureaucratize’ hunger.

cannot “naturalize” the fact that so many people are starving. We
cannot simply say that their situation is the result of blind fate
and that nothing can be done about it,” said in an improvised
speech in Italian. “Here I believe that we have much to do. In
addition to everything already being done, we need to work at
“denaturalizing” and “debureaucratizing” the poverty and
hunger of our brothers and sisters. This requires us to intervene on
different scales and levels, focusing on real people who are
suffering and starving, while drawing upon an abundance of enthusiasm
and potential that we need to help exploit”.

Earlier in June, the WFP had published a report to highlight
experiences and practices in the fight against hunger in developing
nations within the Zero Hunger Challenge, which aims to eliminate
hunger in the world by 2030.

Within the context of the report, it highlighted the WFP Centre of
Excellence against Hunger is one of the experiences. The Centre is a
partnership between WFP and Brazil in 2011 because of the Brazilian
experience under Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva two presidential terms
(2002-2010), which is available to other developing countries through
South-South and triangular cooperation.

Since its creation, the centre has given support and technical
assistance to 37 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Click here to read Pope Francis’ speech at the WFP.

Click here to download the full report.

Click here to read the original text published on the WFP Internet page.  

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