Categorias: Notícias

Lula meets Irish president Michael Daniel Higgins in Sao Paulo

Former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met Irish president Michael Daniel Higgins, who is on an official visit to Brazil. The meeting took place this morning (October 8th) at a hotel in São Paulo and lasted about an hour. Michael Higgins was accompanied by his wife, Sabina Coyle, and a delegation of entrepreneurs and representatives from Irish universities.

Lula and Higgins talked about the economic crisis in Europe, especially about the unemployment issue and the need to overcome economic policies focused solely on austerity to resume job creation.

Lula invited Higgins to an international meeting, to discuss coping with the crisis and policy alternatives for greater economic growth and poverty reduction. At the beginning of the meeting, Michael Higgins presentet Lula with an Irish football shirt.

Download high-resolution pictures of this event at Instituto Lula’s Picasa.

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