Lula’s international agenda: five years dedicated to promoting Democracy and Social Justice


After leaving the Presidency of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva received thousands of invitations to various public activities and received hundreds of tributes, commendations, awards, honorary doctorates and certificates as an honorary citizen.

In consideration of these invitations, the former President attended discussions, conferences, lectures and meetings with authorities, social movements, multilateral organizations, media, business associations and labor organizations, NGOs, charitable groups and political parties.

In this report you will learn more about the public activities and appearances by Lula since 2011, at the invitation of various institutions, or events organized jointly with the Lula Institute¹.

The agenda was organized with the support of the team of professionals at the Lula Institute, published in the national and international press, reported on the website of the Institute ( ) and on the Facebook page  of the former President.

The Lula Institute was created in 2011, and established on the former site of the Citizenship Institute², which in the decade of the 1990s was responsible for the formulation of the public policies later implemented during his Government, such as the Zero Hunger Program.

In Brazil, as in other countries, it is common for ex-Presidents to set up institutions to provide support for their activities, organize and preserve their historical records and documentary collections, and sponsor as well as promote discussions of important issues in their countries. That is the goal of the Institute.

The main geographic focus of the international activities of the Lula Institute is on Africa and Latin America³.

On his trips abroad, former president Lula invariably acts as an advocate for peace, social development and democracy, specifically promoting and sharing Brazil’s experiences in the fight against hunger and poverty. The success of the public policies and programs in Brazil today serve as a reference for dozens of developing countries.

As a result of the international contacts the former president has established, the Lula Institute has entered into agreements or arrangements with well-known institutions in countries around the world, as well as with 9 multilateral organizations, including UNICEF, the African Union, the UNFAO, the World Food Program and the Inter-American Development Bank .

I hope that this report will help provide everyone with an overall view of our activities abroad.

The work in the years since 2011, was only possible because of the efforts of the many people, including leaders from around the world, and the collaboration of the institutions that helped to create this agenda. To each one of them, my sincere thanks.

May 2016

Clara An, Director, Coordinator of the Lula Institute Agenda

The International Agenda of former President Lula (2011-2015) in numbers:

-> 82 events outside the country -> 80 visits to 38 countries
-> 18 Honorary Degrees of Doctor Honoris Causa awarded -> 51 meetings with Brazilian ambassadors
-> 170 meetings with experts and high-level international authorities -> 15 international awards
-> 14 interviews outside Brazil

Below is a summary per year of Lula’s international activities. Clieck on “Details” to know more

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See more details. 

2015 -> Spain, Colombia, Germany, Argentina See more details. 
2014 -> Paraguay, Italy, Ecuador, Bolivia, Angola, Nigeria, Portugal, Spain, Cuba, Uruguay and the US See more details. 
2013 -> S.Africa, Chile, Portugal, Argentina, Venezuela, Germany, Ethiopia, Malawi, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, US, Mexico, UK, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Benin, Nigeria, Dominican Republic, Cuba
2012 -> Germany, Qatar, France, Spain, India, Ethiopia, Mozambique, S.Africa, Argentina See more details.
2011 -> UK, Poland, Portugal, Mexico, Spain, Costa Rica, Bolivia, El Salvador, Colombia, Chile, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Cuba, Bahamas, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Panama, Uruguay, Paraguay, Qatar, Guinea, Senegal See more details.